We keep it simple. All incoming transfers are priced by the shipment to save you money!
Shipments are priced the same regardless of the number of firearms in the shipment. It doesn't matter if it's a long gun, handgun, or a receiver. So, one shipment, only one charge!
We love to see guns in working order. Bring your firearms to us, let us get them up and running again! There's little we can't do for you!
Everyone loves to shoot, few have the time or the desire to do the cleaning. And a good gun cleaning can save you in future maintenance costs. Often it's during the cleaning that you find issues that need to be addressed. So don't neglect to clean your weapons. If you don't have the time, let us clean them and look them over for you so you can focus on the fun stuff at the range!
Gunsmithing all depends on the work you want done. Some jobs are big and require a lot of time for custom fitting or other tedious tasks. While other jobs require mills, lathes or other special equipment. We do work to keep the cost as low as we can though. That is our "No Gouge Promise."
We have a constantly growing supply of parts in stock. Our goal is to be a premier spot for getting parts locally. But we also have dealer pricing at a lot of parts warehouses to save you money. Need an exotic part? Let us know, we will scour the web for it, and try to get you the best price possible.
***Currently we do not offer outbound transfers. We also do not currently offer hot bluing or nickel plating.***